Sebab baru lagi berkecimpung dalam dunia blog ni, aku pelik sangat dengan bloggers mun setiap hari rabu mesti akan tulis tajuk wordless wednesday atau dalam bm nya rabu terkedu dan spontaneous thursday atau dalam bm nya khamis spontan. hehe.
setelah aku tanya pada incik google yang tersayang: inilah maksud wordless wednesday dan wordless thursday yang aku dapat.
Maksud Wordless Wednesday
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description.
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description.
Maksud Spontaneous Thursday
Spontaneous Thursday is a day when a blogger posts random spontaneous things in his or her blog without writing it earlier and also without caring how it affects the community.
Spontaneous Thursday is a day when a blogger posts random spontaneous things in his or her blog without writing it earlier and also without caring how it affects the community.
tak paham? aku pun tak paham.. haha. gurau bodo je.
maksud nye.. setiap hari rabu bloggers atau pengguna internet tu akan post picture je kat blog mereka. bak kata satu ayat tu "pictures tell us a thousands of word" or "let the picture speaks and tell you the story". macam tumblr. sapa ada tumblr? angkat kaki!!
spontaneous thursday tu plak maksudnya setiap hari khamis bloggers akan post apa-apa sahaja yang terlintas di kepala otak dorang tanpa prepare apa yang patut (aku rasa hari2 spontan) dan dorang akan buat entry tanpa fikir macam mana entry tu memberi kesan kepada pembacanya...
(yah...nang skema jak ayat2 aku kebelakangan tok)
Jadi terjawablah segala persoalan aku selama ini. Ingatkan dorang suka-suka je letak entry macam tu.. ಠ_ಠ
okla sayang-sayang semua... terimalah hadiah gambar dari aku ni walaupun sekarang bukan wordless wednesday..
4 pekopon comel mengomel:
thanx for the info..baru tau juga nie..he3
suka mek baca kata2 lam pic ya...
owk oo..mun rabu...ari boh bercakap..mun khamis..spontan kmk xda ekot rule ya..hihhi
raihan..okie dokie sista...;) kite pun baru tau gak..hee...
Yumida... sama la kita... ari2 spontan..hehe..
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